Saturday, October 13, 2007

Free Medical Help

Okay, since it is Breast Cancer Awareness month and since I have an all encompassing desire to aggravate those few extra-sensitive female readers who might peruse this page, I tender the following:

Yes, we men are pigs. Outwardly some will profess sensitivity, but in a blind anonymous test, I'm betting 90% plus would put their head in that box and await customers. (:-))


bigsoxfan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bigsoxfan said...

(speeling corrected version) Bruce, you have finally jumped beyond the boundaries of taste (good, bad, or otherwise) If my brother finds out you have used his picture without the proper copy rights, there will be hell to pay. Hell, as you might know, is the longest seam along the keel of a wooden sailing vessel. I sincerly, hope this isn't the worst comment you receive for this post.

Bruce A. Bateman said...

This is the boob section, plato. You might try posting your diatribes on the sour grapes string or now that you have invited me over, I'll respond to your questions, Again, in good time.

Dominic said...

I am curious about those deleted comments.

Sure that carboard costume may have been a nice joke before the pink ribbon frenzy. My significant other has a history of breast cancer in her family and I have relatives on my own side who have developed breast cancer leaving their families behind as a result.

In my eyes there is no harm with your post Bruce. Any man with a significant other should be vigilant in detecting the early symptoms of breast cancer. That means a regular breast exam which can be performed by mating partners, thereby stimulating sexual and emotional bonding while saving time and money through preventative medical therapy. (I am not a medical doctor and these statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration).

bigsoxfan said...

Damn, is this a serious post or a funny one? Totally un pc, but funny as anything. Plato=boob, so maybe his rambling diatribe was in the correct section. I noticed the same comment on a few other blogs, having nothing at all to do with the subject at hand. I suppose he's going for maximum exposure.

Speaking of which, the sox and Indians are tied in the eleventh. Man, I wish I had tv..

Bon said...

Bruce, Bruce, Bruce...

Bree Reynolds said...

that is hilarious. i'll share it with doug.

Bruce A. Bateman said...

Sorry Boni, Time out time?

Hi Bree, I think Doug will enjoy it though he may be one of those rare 10%ers. I know you are busy for Halloween but come on over for a chat about the boat after. BB