Thanks for your helpful instructions on posting links, Borego. I'll take the time to work on the 'custom tab' details soon.
So you don't feel too bad about the happy happy joy joy photo in the first post, above find one that says it better.
Although I can't imagine why our stalwart Prez has struck a bad chord with the teachers of America as you aver in your post. After all his NCLB brought you federalized standardized testing so you are all forced to teach the test in order to keep your jobs. Then there is PRAXIS, ever popular, especially around here. I've heard you are all in for a raise, as soon as we get those pesky oil prices in check. Next, you'll all be getting personalized thank you cards from the white House ( that will start in October).
So help the guy out, send him a primer.
Thanks to all of you who have linked up to the Saipanuvian Speaks site so far.